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Posts Tagged ‘Game Art’
Best Practice Tips for Game Art Portfolios
Best Practice Tips for Game Art Portfolios Published on: May 22, 2023 As a game artist, you need a strong portfolio to showcase your skills, experience, range, and creativity. Employers and clients will use your portfolio to evaluate your suitability for their project or team. Portfolio Platforms The best options for game art portfolio platforms…
Read MoreWater Ruins Diorama with Emma Cruzado
Emma Cruzado is a 2D & 3D based artist from Sydney, Australia. Currently undergoing her final year in the Advanced Diploma of Game Art at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment. The above piece ‘Water Ruins Diorama’ was produced during her Game Art Environment Module. This diorama was Emma’s first introduction to Unreal Engine 4 –…
Read MoreShaman RPG game by AIE Students
Well done to team Shaman! 2nd year major production from 2020. A fantastic 3rd person action RPG inspired by Filipino folklore.
Read MoreWelcome to the Dark a first-person psychological-horror game by AIE Students
The game was made by a team of 10 called “Sprinkle Studios”. It was the major project for their Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development at AIE and was created over 16 weeks.
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