AIE News

AIE | VR | Opaque Media Placements

Opaque Media Group Student Placements

Earthlight, is a virtual reality (VR) game set in space, working with Unreal Engine 4 and HTC Vive technologies. Curious? AIE students from Melbourne campus have been working with Opaque Media Group on this cool project. Let’s find out more… Mitchell (2nd year Design student) Christiaan and Mikey (2nd year Game Art) developed a game…

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AIE | Holiday Hours 2015

AIE Holiday Hours

AIE will be taking a short break over the new year period to recharge for 2016.   Our campuses will close from Friday, December 18, and re-open on Monday, January 4.   We will be checking email regularly during this period, so please get in touch if you need to contact us. Please bear in…

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AIE | Game Art | Film | Games and Film Careers

Art and animation students kick off their careers before graduation

AIE would like to congratulate our new art and animation graduates who have already secured themselves jobs in the industry. With graduation ceremonies being held around the country this week, an impressive five Screen and Media students and three Game Art and Animation students, all from the Sydney campus, have lined up employment at some…

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AIE | PAX | 38 AIE Games

38 AIE games shown at PAX Aus

The showfloor of PAX Aus 2015 was packed full of games made by AIE students, staff and alumni.   A total of 38 games exhibited at the show over the weekend of October 30 to November 1 in Melbourne were developed by AIE teams.   The AIE Incubator Program, which supports graduates to create their…

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AIE | PAX | How To Demo Your Game

Prepping for PAX: How to demo your game

With PAX Aus just a few weeks away, we asked two experts for their tips on how to get the most out of exhibiting a game at a consumer show. Micheal Muirden is from Siege Sloth Games, one of dozens of AIE Incubator and student teams showing at PAX this year. Micheal has been instrumental…

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AIE | PS4 Dev-Kits

AIE takes delivery of PlayStation 4 development kits

AIE students will be able to sharpen their PlayStation 4 skills following the arrival of PS4 development kits at our Australian campuses.   The Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide campuses will each receive a PS4 dev kit, granting students a crucial advantage in their preparation to join the industry.   “The benefit of students having…

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AIE | 3D Animation | How to Make a Portfolio

How to perfect your 3D animation portfolio

Dragonborn by Anarkhy on Sketchfab Your showreel is the key to getting a job in the industry. We asked AIE Screen teacher Kim Allen to share his expert knowledge on getting the most out of your portfolio…   When should students start thinking about their portfolio? Students should be thinking about their portfolio’s from the…

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AIE | Code Camp | Kids Make Their Own Games

Code and Game Camps inspire kids to make their own games

Children aged eight to 15 years old got a taste of what it’s like to design and program for games during the Game and Code Camps held at AIE Adelaide last week. The Game Camp was designed by Karl Cizakowsky and run on the day by Adam Bailey, both game design instructors from AIE’s Adelaide…

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AIE | Wicked Witch Software | Placement

Melbourne students on placement at Wicked Witch

Over the summer holidays, AIE Melbourne organised for numerous students to embark on a two-week placement at Wicked Witch. We caught up with a few of those students to find out more about their experience, how it came about and what advice they would give to students and colleagues trying to break into the industry.…

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AIE Incubator | Stormworm

AIE Incubator students new game: Stormworm

Stormworm – Inspired by the retro game snake, AIE Incubator students decided to revisit a classic game and re-envision it in 3D! Slither around the planets as if you are stuck in a Tron like universe, eat until your hearts content and avoid your tail – easy right? Wrong! The Stormworm team who are working…

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AIE | Graduate Showcase | 2014

Graduate Showcase 2014

The 2014 Graduate Showcase Evening is upon us once again, and as students come to the end of their courses, they are excited to present to you their best pieces of work. Students graduating from the Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development (Programmers and Artists) and Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media will have a…

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AIE Interview | Screen and Media

AIE Interview: Ready, study…GOnline!

The world is progressing into the digital realm. News can now be viewed online, invitations sent through Facebook, games played via Steam and study can be done from the comfort of one’s own home. Although online study has been around for a while now, it can still be an area where people aren’t sure about…

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AIE | Portfolio & Demo Reel Tips | Dave Scotland

Top 15 Portfolio & Demo Reel Tips

Preparing your demo reel and portfolio is not as simple as it once was. The landscape is more crowded and the creative options are vast. So what can you do to separate your work form the masses and land that job in the industry? Well the most important thing is to realize the presentation of…

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AIE Online

Online Experience Day – September 6th 2014

If you’re interested in AIE’s online courses then our Online Experience Day is an ideal opportunity to find out more Course overview sessions will be running on the range of online courses in 3D animation, game programming and game design offered by AIE. With classes starting all the time, starting your career as a game…

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Google Cardboard News | Academy of Interactive entertainment

Cool Stuff on Campus – Google Cardboard

The staff and teachers at AIE are always keen to check out new technology or cool gadgets. Sometimes it’s to keep up with the latest industry standards.  Sometimes it’s just because it’s fun! In the case of Google Cardboard, it’s both.  What an odd pairing – while Google is associated with new technology, cardboard is…

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