AIE Incubator Program
As an industry leader and non-profit organisation, AIE is going beyond providing digital media training. Education is only the first part - we want to help our graduates achieve their dreams - initiatives like the AIE Incubator Program make it possible.
The Incubator Program supports graduates who have completed the Graduate Diploma in Management (Learning) to start-up commercial enterprises with ongoing assistance and funding to create new companies, digital content and job opportunities.
The Incubator Program is provided at no cost and AIE take no equity in companies created in the program and no royalties from or retain ownership of IP in the products that are developed.
AIE’s Incubator Program creates opportunities for young people with innovative ideas to build interactive worlds, experiment with emerging technologies and establish the companies of tomorrow that will create jobs for the next generation of creative digital professionals.
AIE Incubator Grants Fund
AIE has announced the creation of the AIE Incubator Grants Fund which will award up to $1 million over the next 10 years for game development projects. These grants will support the development and commercialisation of games and other interactive digital content for participants of AIE’s Incubator Program for start-up studios. More information about this announcement.
Studio Premises and Equipment
Get access to development space which your team can access 24 hours / 7 days per week. There's a meeting room, printers, access to development kits and where available, other hardware and software . The Incubator is run in a professional creative environment.Exhibition opportunities and support
Incubator participants have opportunities to exhibit at the top games expos in Australia. Over the past four years 82 games from the Incubator Program have been showcased at PAX Australia (Melbourne), AVcon (Adelaide) and Gammacon (Canberra) as well as multi-city expos like Supanova and Oz Comic-con. Incubator teams have also exhibited at PAX West in Seattle.
Free for post-GDML Studios
The Incubator Program has been created to meet the needs of the studios started as part of the Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning). Entry is based on application and assesses the potential of the studio's current project.