My Journey into Unity Game Development – Riley Huppatz

Presenter Profile

My Journey into Unity Game Development – Riley Huppatz Profile Picture | AIE Workshop

Riley graduated from AIE's Advanced Diploma of Professional Game Development, specialising in Game Design in 2017.

After graduating he went into the GDML program though quickly got a job with South Australia Power Networks doing a variety of Mixed Reality design for them.
Following that he got a job at Foxie Games doing mobile game design, where he still works currently.

He tries to champion the player experience with a focus on system design, UI flow and user experience as a whole.

Livestream Description

AIE Alumni Riley Huppatz speaks about working with mixed reality at South Australia Power Networks to then landing a job at Foxie Games designing mobile games.

Livestream Details

Date Wednesday, September 9th, 2020
Start Time 6:00 pm