Study with the industry experts
AIE is Australia’s most awarded educator in specialist games and visual effects education.
Our teachers are highly qualified industry veterans who’ve made their names creating the games you’ve played and the movies and visual effects you’ve watched.
Our graduates are immediately employable, with relevant, cutting-edge industry skills. No wonder industry giants like Animal Logic, Weta Digital, Epic Games, Bioware, Wargaming and Rockstar look for AIE qualifications when they’re recruiting.
Through our connections with game development and 3D animation studios, you’ll have real opportunities to get into the games and film industries.
Let our industry success build your industry success.
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AIE Student Work
Open Day
Come to AIE Open Day on Saturday 24th May, 2025 to find out more!
About AIE
The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) is Australia's most awarded 3D animation, game design and visual FX educator. Created as a non-profit organisation to grow the creative digital sector, AIE pioneered the development of specialist game qualifications and continues to innovate through industry partnerships and dynamic teaching.
AIE courses are practical, career-focused and delivered by industry experienced teachers in a seriously fun and creatively-demanding studio environment. AIE and its graduates have won many awards over the years including twice being named the Australian Small Training Provider of the Year (2007 and more recently in 2016).